The Light Language Conference is the brainchild of Dina Faye Gilmore, award-winning filmmaker and director.  One of her film projects is titled "Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language" after my book and Immersion Retreat series focused on the Language of Light.  She has spent many hours filming those who transmit the Language of Light, including me, those that I am working with and those she has met in her travels.  

Light Language is not new to the Universe or humanity.  It has been around since the beginning of time. Humans are just, in the past 40 or so years, become aware of it as a collective.  I became active in the movement of bringing awareness to it around 2017.  

To our inner knowing, there has not been an offering of this size before, and we are excited to be the first.  

We are collecting the best of the best in the way of speakers, presenters, vendors, and artists.  

We hope that you join us. 

Meet Dina Faye Gilmore


Dina Faye Gilmore grew up in Dallas, TX and found her love of filmmaking in Colorado while re-inventing herself and living out her childhood dreams. Gilmore splits her time working in Denver, CO and Dallas by offering two locations situated in Big D and Little D. She is an award-winning Director and Filmmaker for her directorial debut with drama short "Baby in the Basement," an award-winning Screenwriter for her original short script "The Day She Awakened" based on her real life, and hour-long LGBTQ+ drama original TV pilot "Chosen Family." More fun facts: Gilmore is also an award-winning Photographer, 4-time bestselling author, and professional Mystic for more than 20 years. She thrives to inspire and empower others through multimedia resources utilizing her creative gifts. When not writing, directing or filming, you can find her on Zoom channel reading Tarot and Oracle cards keeping up with her mystic work. She loves to balance creative with spiritual in her life that brings utmost joy and cultivates her best work operating from her heart and soul. The combination of spiritual and creative is the foundation she created her unscripted reality TV series pilot "Mystic Taxi" as a proof of concept that not all her work is dark material and to showcase a diverse range.

Random fun fact: She tried out for women's professional football league, the WNFL because football runs in her blood.  Below are but some of her websites and social links.  

Follow Dina Faye

Meet Patricia Walls

By Patricia Walls

Patricia Walls is an international speaker, spiritual mentor, artist, author, alternative healer, and empowerment coach.

She is highly respected in her spiritual community as an expert in light language and spiritual growth and empowerment. Patricia has been teaching and guiding individuals on their spiritual journey for over 35 years. She is passionate about helping people discover their true potential and reach their highest level of spiritual growth.

Patricia has written several books on light language and spiritual growth and empowerment, and has been featured in numerous interviews, podcasts, and radio shows.

She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and workshops around the world.  Patricia is a passionate advocate for spiritual growth and empowerment and is dedicated to helping people find their true purpose and reach their highest potential.

Below are but some of her websites and social links. 

Follow Patricia

Meet Brian Mears

By Patricia Walls

Brian is a Colorado native who has dabbled in art for his whole life. 

He originally found expression of art through early versions of Adobe Photoshop.  Using what was a relatively new computer tool, he composed dozens of digital images by meticulously drawing thousands of sequential line segments to create a series of spirit animals. 

The addition of fatherhood of three and a professional career as an acupuncturist caused him to set art aside for many years.  In 2015, he discovered art again as I processed by his dad's last few steps while incarnate.  What started off as a couple of exploratory nature drawings quickly transformed into a collage of highly detailed artwork that focused on various expressions of sacred geometry and the inner connectivity of the human spirit. Most of his art originates as an inspired vision that flashes across his awareness as he is moving through daily life. These visionary pieces take over a hundred hours to render and are extremely difficult to articulate over a computer screen. In 2020, he picked up a paintbrush for the first time since grade school to create a large, commissioned mandala for an acupuncture patient. Since then, he has produced numerous paintings along with detailed ink drawings.

He views my art as a translation of the energetic conductivity flowing across the fabric of the human experience.  Within the flow is a highly detailed expression of intuitive sacred geometry, channeled light language, multidimensional fractals, and, of course, dragons.  

Brian's art business has been designated as a "Trusted Art Seller" with The Art Storefronts Organization, which means you can shop with confidence, and know that he stands behind the quality and value of his products.

Below are but some of his websites and social links.

Follow Brian