Getting Involved

Assisting with this Mission

Empowerment Productions 33, LLC proudly presents our first Light Language Conference 2025 in Colorado for an extraordinary weekend event created by award-winning filmmaker/director & channeler; Dina Faye Gilmore, published author, Light Language activator, spiritual mentor; Patricia Dancingelk Walls, and Licensed Acupuncturist, Light Language artist & practitioner; Brian C. Mears. This one-of-a-kind event aligns three Light Language practitioners to collectively serve their community gathering in Summer 2025 near the Denver metroplex. The diverse group of practitioners offer their expertise and transmissions in addition to a dozen trusted professionals utilizing the language of light to transform the world. The collective of speakers will offer a group panel to wrap the conference weekend by answering live audience questions, offer requested guidance and their knowledge. All of the dedicated speakers transmit Light Language that compliments their healing or spiritual practices and are highly accomplished in their respected fields.

 A highly visible opportunity to support spiritual expansion and transformation in the world

Sponsorship of the Light Language Conference is a golden investment for exposure to a diverse constituency while supporting your community members that have chosen a life of service for the greater good. This is our first Light Language Conference, so we would love your contributions and participation to builds partnerships creating this as an annual event. 

The idea of a Light Language Conference was birthed from our independent film in production “Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language” that is inspired by Patricia DancingElk Walls, the director’s aunt and fellow co-organizer. Independent filmmakers are growing exponentially where the entertainment industry is craving for empowering and unique projects. Unscripted projects are powerfully created from the lowest budgets yet produce the highest returns and has the capacity to garner millions of eyes. Examples of wild success indie films are rapidly increasing thanks to film festivals such as South by Southwest (SXSW), Austin Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, and dozens more within the United States that can present international exposure—all producing remarkable outreach capacities.

 Light Language Conference promotional channels based on tiers, but not limited to:

  • On-screen film credit (Ex: 3 theatres with 4 shows each day produce over 12,000 monthly visitors) for advertising sponsors.
    * If a company chooses to become the Rockstar Sponsor for $50,000, they will receive Producer film credit.

  •  Light Language Conference website showcasing promotions and advertising sponsors

  • Tagged in Social Media Campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and shared across all three organizer’s personal and professional accounts, cross-promotions on the 12 speaker’s social platforms for further reach and exposure, some boosted ads

  • Your brand showcased every single time our indie film will be screened in film festivals, played in local theatres or land with a streaming network.

  • LinkedIn tag and showcase for personal and professional accounts for the conference, the completed indie film with TBD release date (in post-production)

  • Name & Logo printed in program flyers for sponsorship

  • Name & Logo printed on posters for media exposure

  • Name & Logo printed on all attendee badges (based on Rockstar & Producer tiers)

 In addition to the above, we could highlight our partner sponsors in a press release for added exposure and highlighting your company should we participate in local media outreach sources such as tv, radio, and newspapers interviews. Our sponsors are always included in our press materials. Dina Faye Gilmore and Empowerment Productions 33 have been featured in The Hollywood Reporter, Wild Filmmaker Magazine, MovieMaker Magazine, American Cinematographer, Canvas Rebel Magazine, Voyage Denver Magazine, and Film Daily News.

The mission of the Light Language Conference is to transform the world through the language of light, expand collective consciousness, educate, build community relations, offer healings, integrating sound therapy, and bring an awareness of diverse practitioners and transmissions.

Sponsorship Tiers and Benefits

We invite you to partner with us as the Debut Sponsor for our Light Language Conference 2025 & indie film “Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language” under the following tiers:

$50,000 Rockstar Sponsor

  • Producer film credit with logo & on website

  • Your choice – one exclusive insider experience with Empowerment Productions 33 (filming behind the scenes - project will be selected by EP33 Director; Dina Faye Gilmore) or a short interview about your business that EP33 will direct & produce for free

  • LIVE shout-out to your brand at the event and introducing you on stage

  • A photo with you, your company, and family at the conference

  • Digital & DVD copy of “Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language” indie film

  • 10 tickets to the Light Language Conference valued at $2,222 (upgraded from 4 tickets)

  • All the benefits of the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention tiers 

 $10,000 Associate Producer Sponsor

  • Associate Producer film credit with logo & on website

  • 4 Tickets to Light Language Conference valued at $888 (upgraded from 2 tickets)

  • Digital copy of “Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language” indie film

  • Logo on all advertising and marketing materials, including attendee badges

  • All the benefits of Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention tiers

 $5,000 Silver Sponsor

  • Special Thanks Silver Sponsor film credit & on website

  • Private link to view “Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language” indie film

  • 2 tickets to Light Language Conference valued at $444

  • All the benefits of Bronze and Honorable Mention tiers

 $1,500 Bronze Sponsor

  • Special Thanks on website

  • Logo on select advertising and marketing chosen by Empowerment Productions 33

  • All the benefits of Honorable Mention tier

 $750 Honorable Mention

  • Honorable Mention film credit & on website

  • One social media post by Empowerment Productions 33 and the three organizers’ (Dina, Patricia & Brian) on their chosen social media accounts tagging you that offers 4 points of exposure

Would you like to partner with us in this consciousness-changing venture?

Love Donation 

Click the link below: 

Honorable Mention - $750 

Click the link below: 

Bronze Sponsor - $1,500

Click the link below: 

Silver Sponsor - $5,000

Click the link below: 

Associate Producer Sponsor - $10,000

Click the link below: 

Rockstar Producer - $50,000

Click the link below: