
Light Language Books


There are many references and publications that share experiences, explanations and teachings of what the Language of Light is.  We would like to offer some of those to you here.  

Unlocking the Mysteries of Light  Language

Unlocking the Mysteries of Light Language: An Easy and Proven Way of Connecting with the Divine by Patricia Walls

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The Little Book of Light Codes

The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation (Light Language Awakening)  by Laara

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Book of 144 Codes

Unlocking The Mysteries of Light Language: Book of 144 Codes 

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Opening to Light Language

Opening to Light Language: Humanity's Evolution into Multidimensional Communication by Jayme Price

Amazon Link

Galactic Frequencies of Light

Galactic Frequencies of Light: Experiences in Light Language by Authors: Patricia Walls, Laura Tellez, Rachel Sofia and Tiffany Antoinette Spivey

Amazon Link

Ascension Codes

Ascension Codes : Little Book of Light Codes (Volume 2) – Activation Symbols, Messages and Guidance for Awakening (Light Language Awakening)  by Laara

Amazon Link

Light Language Emerging

Light Language Emerging: Activating Ascension Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit by Yvonne Perry

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Divinely Declassified Light Language

Divinely Declassified: Light Language: A Language of Frequency by Shawna M Romkey 

Amazon Link

Journaling with Light Language

Journaling with Light Language: Developing Intimacy with Yourself through Written, Artistic, and Verbal Expressions by Yvonne Perry 

Amazon Link

Living Light Language

Living Light Language: Creation speaks by Bala Deva

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Healing with Light Frequencies

Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic by Jerry Sargeant

Amazon Link

Language of Light

Language of Light Kindle Edition by Judy Beebe

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